albums, bands

top 50 albums recap: 40 through 31.

Another 10 down, and nearly halfway through the list! This round was a bit like the last; some very good, some not very good. Onto the recap we go!

40. “Forever Changes” by Love

  • I think this may have been the first I’ve heard of Love’s music, unless I’ve mindlessly heard things on the radio/playlists. It was a bit of a yawn, too soft for me. Not unbearable though.

39. “Please Please Me” by the Beatles

  • I was looking forward to this one because I love the Beatles. It isn’t my favorite album of theirs but it’s always a good listen. It’s also a really strong debut album when you look at the track list because so many of the songs are still played on the oldies, etc. channels today.

38. “The Anthology” by Muddy Waters

  • I was also looking forward to this one. It was a total of 50 tracks, but wasn’t on Tidal nor Spotify. I was able to find it on Apple Music though so I was happy I got to listen to the actual album, rather than having to create it in a playlist. I love the blues and Muddy Waters is one of the greats. This was a great listen all the way through.

37. “Hotel California” by the Eagles

  • Despite my inclination toward “classic rock” I don’t really listen to the Eagles. I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about this one and it was pretty meh. It starts with “Hotel California” and the rest was mediocre. I’ll have to agree to disagree with Rolling Stone on this one.

36. “Tapestry” by Carole King

  • This album also started with the only song I really know of hers, but unlike the Eagles it wasn’t a bad listen. Carole King has a great voice though her music isn’t really my style. I also was really surprised to hear the original version of “Where You Lead” is infinitely better than the version she and her daughter re-recorded for Gilmore Girls. I wish they would’ve kept the same tempo/arrangement for that one.

35. “The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars” by David Bowie

  • I am not a David Bowie fan (*dodges tomatoes*). I wasn’t looking forward to listening to this, but it came and went without any pain. I haven’t been looking at the tracklists for the albums before listening, so I was pleasantly surprised when “Suffragette City” came on, as I think it’s his only song that I like. If you’re not a fan, this album isn’t going to convert you.

34. “Music from Big Pink” by the Band

  • I wasn’t thrilled to have another by the Band so soon, and interestingly, despite the higher placement in the ranking, it was even more of a snoozefest than the last one. Boring countryish soft rock, I don’t have much more to say about it except that I’m glad it also did not contain “The Weight.”

33. “Ramones” by the Ramones

  • I like the Ramones – I don’t think they’re the greatest musicians ever or anything, but they’re enjoyable to listen to. This was a bit reminiscent of how I felt listening to the Little Richard album last round; a lot of the songs have the same beat and sometimes it’s hard to tell when something begins and ends if you’re multi-tasking. Still enjoyable though.

32. “Let It Bleed” by the Rolling Stones

  • I love a lot of tracks on this album though I don’t think I ever listened to it straight through before. I absolutely hated “Country Honk” because it was a cover of “Honky Tonk Women” in a country style. I can’t believe the same band did the same song so well and so awfully. They were redeemed by “Monkey Man” though, it’s probably my favorite song of theirs.

31. “Bringing It All Back Home” by Bob Dylan

  • Oh Bobby D. I knew this was going to suck. I love the man’s lyrics but his singing… oof. It’s a pretty standard Bob Dylan album, but I did laugh at “Bob Dylan’s 115th Dream.” It started with a fucked up take and someone cracking up, and then the lyrics were pretty goofy so I dug it. If you’re going to listen to anything, listen to that one.

Stay tuned for 30 through 21!

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